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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Matlab MEX interface for the GLPK library

 % Matlab MEX interface for the GLPK library
% [xopt, fmin, status, extra] = glpk (c, a, b, lb, ub, ctype, vartype,
% sense, param)
% Solve an LP/MILP problem using the GNU GLPK library. Given three
% arguments, glpk solves the following standard LP:
% min C'*x subject to A*x  <= b
% but may also solve problems of the form
% [ min | max ] C'*x
% subject to
%   A*x [ "=" | "<=" | ">=" ] b
%   x >= LB
%   x <= UB
% Input arguments:
% c = A column array containing the objective function coefficients.
% A = A matrix containing the constraints coefficients.
% b = A column array containing the right-hand side value for each constraint
%     in the constraint matrix.
% lb = An array containing the lower bound on each of the variables.  If
%      lb is not supplied (or an empty array) the default lower bound for the variables is
%      minus infinite.
% ub = An array containing the upper bound on each of the variables.  If
%      ub is not supplied (or an empty array) the default upper bound is assumed to be
%      infinite.
% ctype = An array of characters containing the sense of each constraint in the
%         constraint matrix.  Each element of the array may be one of the
%         following values
%           'F' Free (unbounded) variable (the constraint is ignored).
%           'U' Variable with upper bound ( A(i,:)*x <= b(i)).
%           'S' Fixed Variable (A(i,:)*x = b(i)).
%           'L' Variable with lower bound (A(i,:)*x >= b(i)).
%           'D' Double-bounded variable (A(i,:)*x >= -b(i) and A(i,:)*x <= b(i)).

% vartype = A column array containing the types of the variables.
%               'C' Continuous variable.
%               'I' Integer variable
%               'B' Binary variable
% sense = If sense is 1, the problem is a minimization.  If sense is
%         -1, the problem is a maximization.  The default value is 1.
% param = A structure containing the following parameters used to define the
%         behavior of solver.  Missing elements in the structure take on default
%         values, so you only need to set the elements that you wish to change
%         from the default.
%         Integer parameters:
%           msglev (default: 1)
%                  Level of messages output by solver routines:
%                   0 - No output.
%                   1 - Error messages only.
%                   2 - Normal output.
%                   3 - Full output (includes informational messages).
%           scale (default: 1). Scaling option:
%                   0 - No scaling.
%                   1 - Equilibration scaling.
%                   2 - Geometric mean scaling, then equilibration scaling.
%                   3 - Geometric then Equilibrium scaling
%                   4 - Round to nearest power of 2 scaling
%           dual (default: 0). Dual simplex option:
%                   0 - Do not use the dual simplex.
%                   1 - If initial basic solution is dual feasible, use
%                       the dual simplex.
%                   2- Use two phase dual simplex, or if primal simplex
%                       if dual fails
%           price (default: 1). Pricing option (for both primal and dual simplex):
%                   0 - Textbook pricing.
%                   1 - Steepest edge pricing.
%           r_test (default: 1). Ratio test Technique:
%                   0 - stardard (textbook)
%                   1 - Harris's two-pass ratio test
%           round (default: 0). Solution rounding option:
%                   0 - Report all primal and dual values "as is".
%                   1 - Replace tiny primal and dual values by exact zero.
%           itlim (default: -1). Simplex iterations limit. 
%                 If this value is positive, it is decreased by one each
%                 time when one simplex iteration has been performed, and
%                 reaching zero value signals the solver to stop the search.
%                 Negative value means no iterations limit.
%           itcnt (default: 200). Output frequency, in iterations. 
%                 This parameter specifies how frequently the solver sends
%                 information about the solution to the standard output.
%           presol (default: 1). If this flag is set, the routine
%                  lpx_simplex solves the problem using the built-in LP presolver.
%                  Otherwise the LP presolver is not used.
%           lpsolver (default: 1) Select which solver to use.
%                  If the problem is a MIP problem this flag will be ignored.
%                   1 - Revised simplex method.
%                   2 - Interior point method.
%                   3 - Simplex method with exact arithmatic.                      
%           branch (default: 2). Branching heuristic option (for MIP only):
%                   0 - Branch on the first variable.
%                   1 - Branch on the last variable.
%                   2 - Branch on the most fractional variable.
%                   3 - Branch using a heuristic by Driebeck and Tomlin.
%           btrack (default: 2). Backtracking heuristic option (for MIP only):
%                   0 - Depth first search.
%                   1 - Breadth first search.
%                   2 - best local bound
%                   3 - Backtrack using the best projection heuristic.
%           pprocess (default: 2) Pre-processing technique option ( for MIP only ):
%                   0 - disable preprocessing
%                   1 - perform preprocessing for root only
%                   2 - perform preprocessing for all levels
%           usecuts (default: 1). ( for MIP only ):
%                  glp_intopt generates and adds cutting planes to
%                  the MIP problem in order to improve its LP relaxation
%                  before applying the branch&bound method
%                   0 -> all cuts off
%                   1 -> Gomoy's mixed integer cuts
%                   2 -> Mixed integer rounding cuts
%                   3 -> Mixed cover cuts
%                   4 -> Clique cuts
%                   5 -> all cuts
%           binarize (default: 0 ) Binarizeation option ( for mip only ):
%               ( used only if presolver is enabled )
%                   0 -> do not use binarization
%                   1 -> replace general integer variables by binary ones
%           save (default: 0). If this parameter is nonzero save a copy of
%                the original problem to file. You can specify the
%                file name and format by using the 'savefilename' and
%                'savefiletype' parameters (see in String Parameters Section
%                here below).
%                If previous parameters are not defined, the original problem
%                is saved with CPLEX LP format in the default file "outpb.lp".
%           mpsinfo (default: 1) If this is set,
%                   the interface writes to file several comment cards,
%                   which contains some information about the problem.
%                   Otherwise the routine writes no comment cards.
%           mpsobj ( default: 2) This parameter tells the
%                  routine how to output the objective function row:
%                    0 - never output objective function row
%                    1 - always output objective function row
%                    2 - output objective function row if the problem has
%                        no free rows
%           mpsorig (default: 0) If this is set, the
%                   routine uses the original symbolic names of rows and
%                   columns. Otherwise the routine generates plain names
%                   using ordinal numbers of rows and columns.
%           mpswide (default: 1) If this is set, the
%                   routine uses all data fields. Otherwise the routine
%                   keeps fields 5 and 6 empty.
%           mpsfree (default: 0) If this is set, the routine
%                   omits column and vector names every time when possible
%                   (free style). Otherwise the routine never omits these
%                   names (pedantic style).
%         Real parameters:
%           relax (default: 0.07). Relaxation parameter used
%                 in the ratio test. If it is zero, the textbook ratio test
%                 is used. If it is non-zero (should be positive), Harris'
%                 two-pass ratio test is used. In the latter case on the
%                 first pass of the ratio test basic variables (in the case
%                 of primal simplex) or reduced costs of non-basic variables
%                 (in the case of dual simplex) are allowed to slightly violate
%                 their bounds, but not more than relax*tolbnd or relax*toldj
%                 (thus, relax is a percentage of tolbnd or toldj).
%           tolbnd (default: 10e-7). Relative tolerance used
%                  to check ifthe current basic solution is primal feasible.
%                  It is not recommended that you change this parameter
%                  unless you have a detailed understanding of its purpose.
%           toldj (default: 10e-7). Absolute tolerance used to
%                 check if the current basic solution is dual feasible.  It
%                 is not recommended that you change this parameter unless
%                 you have a detailed understanding of its purpose.
%           tolpiv (default: 10e-9). Relative tolerance used
%                  to choose eligible pivotal elements of the simplex table.
%                  It is not recommended that you change this parameter
%                  unless you have a detailed understanding of its purpose.
%           objll ( default: -DBL_MAX). Lower limit of the
%                 objective function. If on the phase II the objective
%                 function reaches this limit and continues decreasing, the
%                 solver stops the search. This parameter is used in the
%                 dual simplex method only.
%           objul (default: +DBL_MAX). Upper limit of the
%                 objective function. If on the phase II the objective
%                 function reaches this limit and continues increasing,
%                 the solver stops the search. This parameter is used in
%                 the dual simplex only.
%           tmlim (default: -1.0). Searching time limit, in
%                 seconds. If this value is positive, it is decreased each
%                 time when one simplex iteration has been performed by the
%                 amount of time spent for the iteration, and reaching zero
%                 value signals the solver to stop the search. Negative
%                 value means no time limit.
%           outdly (default: 0.0). Output delay, in seconds.
%                  This parameter specifies how long the solver should
%                  delay sending information about the solution to the standard
%                  output. Non-positive value means no delay.
%           tolint (default: 10e-5). Relative tolerance used
%                  to check if the current basic solution is integer
%                  feasible. It is not recommended that you change this
%                  parameter unless you have a detailed understanding of
%                  its purpose.
%           tolobj (default: 10e-7). Relative tolerance used
%                  to check if the value of the objective function is not
%                  better than in the best known integer feasible solution. 
%                  It is not recommended that you change this parameter
%                  unless you have a detailed understanding of its purpose.
%           mipgap (default: 0.0) The relative mip gap tolerance.  If the
%                  relative mip gap for currently known best integer feasible
%                  solution falls below this tolerance, the solver terminates
%                  the search.  This allows obtaining suboptimal interger
%                  feasible solutions if solving the problem to optimality
%                  takes too long.
%         String Parameters:
%           savefilename (default: "outpb"). Specify the name to use to
%                        save the original problem. MEX interface looks for
%                        this parameter if 'save' parameter is set to 1. If
%                        no name is provided "outpb" will be used.
%           savefiletype (default: CPLEX format). Specify the format type
%                        used to save the file. Only the following options
%                        are allowed:
%                          'fixedmps' - fixed MPS format (.mps).
%                          'freemps'  - free MPS format (.mps).
%                          'cplex'    - CPLEX LP format (.lp).
%                          'plain'    - plain text (.txt).
% Output values:
% xopt = The optimizer (the value of the decision variables at the optimum).
% fopt = The optimum value of the objective function.
% status = Status of the optimization.
%               1 solution is undefined
%               2 solution is feasible
%               3 solution is infeasible
%               4 no feasible solution exists
%               5 solution is optimal
%               6 solution is unbounded
%          If an error occurs, status will contain one of the following
%          codes.
%          Simplex method:
%               101 invalid basis
%               102 singular matrix
%               103 ill-conditioned matrix
%               104 invalid bounds
%               105 solver failed
%               106 objective lower limit reached
%               107 objective upper limit reached
%               108 iteration limit exceeded
%               109 time limit exceeded
%               110 no primal feasible solution
%               111 no dual feasible solution
%          Mixed integer problem, interior point method:
%               204 incorrect bounds
%               205 solver failure
%               209 time limit exceeded
%               210 no primal feasible solution
%               212 missing basis
%               214 MIP gap tolerance reached
%               305 problem with no rows/columsn
%               308 iteration limit exceeded
%               316 very slow convergence/divergence
%               317 numerical instability in solving Newtonian system
% extra = A data structure containing the following fields:
%           lambda - Dual variables.
%           redcosts - Reduced Costs.
%           time - Time (in seconds) used for solving LP/MIP problem.
%           mem - Memory (in Kbytes) used for solving LP/MIP problem.
% Example:
% c = [10, 6, 4]';
% a = [ 1, 1, 1;
%      10, 4, 5;
%       2, 2, 6];
% b = [100, 600, 300]';
% lb = [0, 0, 0]';
% ub = [];
% ctype = "UUU";
% vartype = "CCC";
% s = -1;
% param.msglev = 1;
% param.itlim = 100;
% [xmin, fmin, status, extra] = ...
%     glpk (c, a, b, lb, ub, ctype, vartype, s, param);
% See also: qpng.
% Copyright 2005-2007 Nicolo' Giorgetti
% Email: Nicolo' Giorgetti
% updated by Niels Klitgord March 2009
% Email: Niels Klitgord

% This file is part of GLPKMEX.
% GLPKMEX is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
% under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
% any later version.
% This part of code is distributed with the FURTHER condition that it
% can be linked to the Matlab libraries and/or use it inside the Matlab
% environment.
% GLPKMEX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with GLPKMEX; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
% Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
% 02111-1307, USA.

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