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Saturday, September 15, 2012

how to install glpk on matlab in windows

  1. Download the precompiled version of glpkmex from sourceforge:
    1. At the time of writing, you need to download two files from the glpkmex page: and glpkcc.mex32.
  2. Unzip the file, copy glpkcc.mex32 into the resulting glpkmex folder, and then copy the glpkmex folder to the toolboxes folder of your Matlab installation (for example, C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2008b\toolbox).
  3. Add the glpkmex folder to your Matlab path:
  4. In Matlab, go to "Set Path" from the "File" drop menu.
  5. In the "Set Path" dialog box that pops up, choose "Add with Subfolders"
  6. Navigate to the glpkmex folder you added to your toolbox folder and click "ok"
  7. Click "Save" in the "Set Path" diaglog box, then "Close"
  8. Test the glpk installation by typing "glpktest1" and then "glpktest2" at the Matlab command prompt. You shouldn't get any errors. 

Note: Also put glpkmex directory to your current working directory, and please take care of  glpkcc.mexa32 , glpkcc.mexa64 and glpkcc.mexw.32, glpkcc.mexw64, these should not be duplicated.

Say if you get error like glpkcc.mexw64 not found, then search this file in google by typing glpkcc.mexw64 and download the relevant one. Once download finished replace existing glpkcc.mexw64 be new downloaded one.

If this still do not fix the problem, Please contact me.


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