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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

void() type: where and where not it shoul be used

The void type is an incomplete type that cannot be completed.
The void type has three important uses:
  • To signify that a function returns no value
  • To indicate a generic pointer (one that can point to any type object)
  • To specify a function prototype with no arguments
The following example shows how void is used to define a function, with no parameters, that does not return a value:
void message(void)
  printf ("Stop making sense!");
The next example shows a function prototype for a function that accepts a pointer to any object as its first and second argument:
void memcopy (void *dest, void *source, int length);
A pointer to the void type has the same representation and alignment requirements as a pointer to a character type. The void * type is a derived type based on void .
The void type can also be used in a cast expression to explicitly discard or ignore a value. For example:
int tree(void);

void main()
  int i;

  for (; ; (void)tree()){...}  /* void cast is valid                  */

  for (; (void)tree(); ;){...} /* void cast is NOT valid, because the */
                               /* value of the second expression in a */
                               /* for statement is used               */

  for ((void)tree(); ;) {...}  /* void cast is valid                  */

A void expression has no value, and cannot be used in any context where a value is required.


The void data type always represents an empty set of values. The only object that can be declared with the type specifier void is a pointer.
When a function does not return a value, you should use void as the type specifier in the function definition and declaration. An argument list for a function taking no arguments is void.
You cannot declare a variable of type void, but you can explicitly convert any expression to type void. The resulting expression can only be used as one of the following:
  • An expression statement
  • The left operand of a comma expression
  • The second or third operand in a conditional expression.
Example of void Type
In the following example, the function find_max is declared as having type void.
C The use of the sizeof operator in the line find_max(numbers, (sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(numbers[0]))); is a standard method of determining the number of elements in an array.
   ** Example of void type
   /* declaration of function find_max */
   extern void find_max(int x[ ], int j);
   int main(void)
      static int numbers[ ] = { 99, 54, -102, 89};
      find_max(numbers, (sizeof(numbers) / sizeof(numbers[0])));
   void find_max(int x[ ], int j)
   { /* begin definition of function find_max */
      int i, temp = x[0];
      for (i = 1; i < j; i++)
          if (x[i] > temp)
             temp = x[i];
      printf("max number = %d\n", temp);
   } /* end definition of function find_max  */