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Monday, January 02, 2012

LaTeX for Beginners

LaTeX for Beginners

Setting Up

Setting up LaTeX isn't too hard. You can learn about it from LaTeX Bibliography and other resources. Here are several methods I've used:
  • Set it up using the TEX Collection DVD from the TeX User's Group (TUG) for a Mac.
  • A really easy way to get going: install a RedHat Linux. My Linux 7.1 had LaTeX already set up.
  • These days I'm using Ubuntu Linux. It's not pre-installed but just type 'latex' and it will lead you to installation!
To test my LaTeX installation I typed in (or cut and paste) this small file: A test page for demonstrating LaTeX typesetting.  It
reads: 'a buncha stuff', the mathematical symbol pi
surrounded by a square root and '(1)' on the same line as
an equation.  The bottom of the page has the page number


a buncha


I called it test.tex. Then I did this:
latex test
xdvi test
The first line ran LaTeX and the second one poped up a viewer. It worked fine. On Ubuntu I also did:
latex test
dvips test
I found I needed to install gv - that took only a few seconds. So I was able to get LaTeX running on Ubuntu in about 5 minutes, mostly waiting for the download. The last step made a PDF for me and double clicking on it in the graphical window opened it in evince. Notes:
  • A fully worked example is in latex.test. You can see the result in the test.png file, shown to the right. It's not very fancy, but you can go to The TeX showcase if you want fancy!
  • In general one may need to call LaTeX several times to get cross references right.
  • Actually, I put the two commands above into a file and used it as a script, in preparation for automating the whole process using atchange. This makes LaTeX into a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you want!).
  • A more complex starting file and other paraphernalia is in this directory. It contains, among other things:

Some simple rules for typesetting in LaTeX:

  • Get used to your text editor first. I like vi and vim, other people like emacs. The advantage of learning vi is that all unix operating systems have it. It's also quite ergonomic. Avoid using the arrow keys since they will not be available on all keyboards.
  • In LaTeX, paragraphs are separated by blank lines. If you are using the vi editor, you can hop between paragraphs with "}" (move forward one paragraph) and "{" (move back one paragraph. You can also move paragraphs around. If you are above one paragraph, just d}p to switch it with the next paragraph!
  • As in standard typing, sentences are separated by two spaces. If you are using the vi editor, you can hop between sentences with ")" (move forward one sentence) and "(" (move back one sentence. You can also move sentences around. If you are at the start of one sentence, just d)p to switch it with the next sentence!
  • \emph{Italics} gives italics
  • \textbf{Bold face} gives bold face
  • lines that begin with a percent (%) are comment lines. They do not show up in the final text.
  • \cite{Shannon1948} automatically (!) pulls in the citation for Shannon's famous 1948 paper (assuming you already have it in a database). Further details are beyond the scope of this page, but you can use atchange to automate the generation of the BiBTeX database.
  • \command{argument} is the form of a command with its argument.
  • Mathematics inside a line is surrounded by the $ symbol: $\sqrt{\pi}$ gives the square root of pi. Also \begin{equation} and \end{equation} surround larger equations, and these automatically (!) get numbered throughout the paper .
  • Books

Advanced stuff

  • LaTeX Bibliography and other resources
  • We use two definitions:
    • \newcommand{\todo}{\rule{0.5em}{1ex}}
      Having made this definition one just says: \todo. This just puts a black rectangle into the text. It is impossible to miss these. They makr places where we still need to do something.
    • \newcommand{\todobf}[1]{{\rule{0.5em}{1ex}\textbf{ #1}}}
      Having made this definition one says: \todobf{some stuff}. This will put the little black rectangle and "some stuff" in bold face. It's useful for writing down what we need to do at this point.
  • tools that make LaTex into a wysiwyg
  • Changing the Font. To change to the Times New Roman Font using LaTeX2e, before your \begin{document} put \usepackage{pslatex}. More on fonts.
  • Making Figures. To make figures using LaTeX2e, before your \begin{document} put
    Then call the graphics directly like this:
    or inside a figure:
    {0.9} % h_length
    The caption
    The wrapfig and floatfig packages are very cool - they let you wrap figures around text. Between paragaphs:
    \begin{floatingfigure}{7 cm}
    \caption{Sequence logos for T7 promoters.
    Top: wild type promoters \cite{Schneider1986};
    bottom: strong T7 promoters found by an
    \emph{in vivo} genetic screen \cite{Schneider1989}.
    \noindent \hrulefill
    Wrap figure looks like this:
    {0.57} % h_length
    % Note: the "*" makes the graphic be clipped - this is needed!!
    % Guide to Latex p. 168
    Anomalous base in RepA binding sites.
    Sequence logos for
    12 repressors and activators were created.
    The logos were
    then aligned so that the proteins would all be on
    the same face of the DNA.
    Since proteins make most of their contacts
    in major grooves, there are two highly conserved
    regions that correspond to two major grooves of
    DNA, shown on top.
    In addition, the sequence logo for
    bacteriophage P1 RepA protein binding sites
    was overlayed on top of the other sequence logos.
    An unusually conserved thymine (red T) in the middle of
    the RepA sites,
    dubbed ``Tom's T'' by Dhruba Chattoraj,
    is visible which corresponds to the minor groove facing
    towards RepA.
    Such a large amount of sequence conservation
    in the minor groove
    ($> 1$ bit) is not possible with B-form DNA,
    so the base must be distorted.
    This figure
    the cover of \emph{Nucleic Acids Research}
    Volume 29, Number 23,
    December 1, 2001
    More information may be found in: Guide to LATEX: Document Preparation for Beginners and Advanced Users by Helmut Kopka, Patrick W. Daly. Buy it!!
  color bar

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