LaTeX Command Words
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, zA
- \addcontentsline{file}{sec_unit}{entry} insert an entry into toc (table of contents), lof (list of figures) or lot (list of tables).
- \addtocontents{file}{text} add some other text directly
- \addtocounter{counter}{value} increment counter
- \address{Return address} your address in a letter
- \addtolength{\gnat}{length} increment \gnat
- \addvspace{length} insert extra vertical space
- \alph{counter}, \Alph{counter} show counter's value as a letter
- \appendix
- \arabic{counter} show counter's value as arabic number
- array environment
- \author{names}
B, C
- \begin{env} star of a new environment
- \bf bold typeface
- \bibitem[label]{cite_key} use in references section
- \bigskip leave big vertical space
- \cdots centered dots fot math mode
- center environment
- \centering center lines from now on
- \chapter{title} start a new chapter
- \circle{diameter}, \circle*{diameter} draw empty or full circles
- \cite[text]{key_list} insert a reference
- \cleardoublepage clear all pages, start on odd number
- \clearpage flush all pages, start a new one
- \cline{i-j} draw a horizontal line in tabbing environment
- \closing{text} closing formula in a letter
- \dashbox{dash length}(width,height){ ... } draw within a dashed box
- \date{text} sets the document's production date
- \ddots diagonal ellipsis in math mode
- description environment
- \documentstyle{style} start of your document
- \dotfill fills horizontally with dots
E, F
- \em (emphasis) toggles between \it and \rm
- \end{env} end of the environment env
- \endinput end of included material
- enumerate environment
- eqnarray environment for a sequence of equations
- equation environment for a single equation
- figure environment
- \fbox{text} produce a framed text
- \flushbottom make all pages of the same length
- flushleft environment
- flushright environment
- \fnsymbol{counter} produce footnote symbol
- \footnote[number]{text} making footnote
- \footnotemark put a mark for footnote
- \footnotesize default size for footnotes.
- \footnotetext [number] {text} produce footnote
- \frac{num}{den} make a fraction in math mode
- \frame{ ... } draw frame around an object
- \framebox[width][position]{text} put text into a frame
- \framebox(width,height)[position]{...} put text into a framed box in a picture
G, H
- \hfill fill all horizontal space available
- \hline horizontal line in tabular environmnet
- \hrulefill fill horizontal space with a line
- \hspace[*]{length} leave out a space
- \huge second largest of 10 typefaces available.
- \Huge largest of available typefaces.
- \hyphenation{words} exceptional hyphenations
I, J
- \include{file} include FILE.TEX in the input
- \includeonly{file_list} only these files
- \indent produce indentation here
- \input{file} read in FILE.TEX
- \it Italics typeface.
- itemize environment
K, L
- \kill used in tabular environment
- \label{key} ancor a reference to this point
- \large slightly larger than default typeface size.
- \Large default for titles.
- \LARGE third largest of typefaces available.
- \ldots ellipsis, works in any mode
- \line(x slope,y slope){length} draw a line segment
- \linebreak[number] encourage line break here
- \linethickness{dimension} in pictures
- list environment
- \location{address} to be included in letters
- \makebox[width][position]{text} typeset text in a separate box, then print it
- \makebox(width,height)[position]{ ... } do it in a picture
- \maketitle generate title page
- \markboth{left head}{right head}, \markright{right head} set the running head
- \mbox{text} typeset text in a box, works in math mode
- \medskip skip a medium amount of vertical space
- minipage environment
- \multicolumn{cols}{pos}{text} in tabbing environment
- \multiput put the same object several times in a picture
- \newcommand{cmd}[args]{def} define a new command
- \newcounter{foo}[counter] define a new counter
- \newenvironment{nam}[args]{begdef}{enddef} define a new environment
- \newfont{cmd}{font_name} introduce a new font
- \newlength{\gnat} a new length-type command
- \newline force a line break
- \newpage end the current page
- \newsavebox{cmd} create a new box holder
- \newtheorem{env_name}{caption}[within], \newtheorem{env_name}[numbered_like]{caption} new theorem-like environment
- \nocite{key_list} don't appear, but introduce into the citation.
- \noindent start new paragraph without indentation
- \nolinebreak[number] discourage line break here
- \normalsize go back to normal font size
- \nopagebreak[number] discourage page break bere
O, P
- \onecolumn start one column format from here
- \opening{text} start of a letter
- \oval(width,height)[portion] draw it
- \overbrace{text} a brace over the text
- \overline{text} a line over the text
- \pagebreak[number] encourage pagebreak here
- \pagenumbering{num_style} define numbering style
- \pageref{key} the page number where key is defined
- \pagestyle{option} change page format
- \par equivalent to an empty line (new paragraph)
- \paragraph{title} start a new paragraph
- \parbox[position]{width}{text} make several paragraphs of given width
- picture environment
- \put(x coord,y coord){ ... } put an object into a picture
Q, R
- quotation environment
- quote environment
- \raggedbottom page length is variable
- \raggedleft lines end at the right margin
- \raggedright lines are of different width
- \raisebox{distance}[extend-above][extend-below]{text} change the base line of a typeset material
- \ref{key} section number of the definition of the key
- \renewcommand{cmd}[args]{def} redefine an existing command
- \renewenvironment{nam}[args]{begdef}{enddef} redefine an existing environment
- \rm roman typeface (default).
- \roman{counter} use lowercase roman numbers
- \Roman{counter} use uppercase roman numbers
- \rule[raise-height]{width}{thickness} draw a horizontal or vertical line
- \savebox{cmd}[width][pos]{text} store text into the box holder cmd
- \sbox{cmd}[text] store text into the box holder cmd
- \sc small caps typeface.
- \scriptsize second smallest of 10 typefaces available.
- \section{title} start a new section
- \setcounter{counter}{value}
- \setlength{\gnat}{length}
- \settowidth{\gnat}{text} set \gnat equal to the length of text
- \sf sans serif typeface.
- \shortstack[position]{... \\ ... \\ ...} draw a stack of objects
- \signature{Your name} closes the letter
- \sl slanted typeface.
- \small slightly smaller than default typeface size.
- \smallskip leave out a small amount of vertical space
- \sqrt[root]{arg} typeset root in math mode
- \subparagraph{title} start a new subparagraph
- \subsection{title} start a new subsection
- \subsubparagraph{title} start a new subsubparagraph
- \subsubsection{title} start a new subsubsection
- tabbing environment
- table environment
- tabular environment
- \telephone{number} your number in letters
- \thanks{text} footnotes in articles
- thebibliography reference section
- theorem environment
- \thispagestyle{option} change page style for this page only
- \tiny smallest of typefaces.
- \title{text} title of your paper
- titlepage environment
- \tt typewriter typeface.
- \twocolumn produces two-column output
- \typein[cmd]{msg} read from terminal
- \typeout{msg} prints msg on terminal
U, V, W, X, Y, Z
- \underbrace{text} put brace under text
- \underline{text} underline text
- \usebox{cmd} use a previously filled box container
- \usecounter{counter} use the value of counter
- \value{counter} its value as a number
- \vdots vertical ellipsis
- \vector(x slope,y slope){length} draw a vector
- \verb print out as it is (verbally)
- verbatim environment
- verse environment
- \vfill strech vertically
- \vline vertical line in tabular environment
- \vspace[*]{length} insert vertical space
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