Strings and String Manipulation in C++C++ provides convenient and powerful tools to manipulate strings. This tutorial shows some of the basic string manipulation facilities, with examples to illustrate their use. It also shows some extensions the C++'s string capabilities by making use of some of the Boost Library facilities.Strings and Basic String OperationsPutting aside any string-related facilities inherited from C, in C++, strings are not a built-in data type, but rather a Standard Library facility. Thus, whenever we want to use strings or string manipulation tools, we must provide the appropriate #include directive, as shown below:
using namespace std; // Or using std::string;
string name;
C++ strings allow you to directly initialize, assign, compare, and reassign with the intuitive operators, as well as printing and reading (e.g., from the user), as shown in the example below:
string name;
cout << "Enter your name: " << flush; cin >> name; // read string until the next separator // (space, newline, tab) // Or, alternatively: getline (cin, name); // read a whole line into the string name if (name == "") { cout << "You entered an empty string, " << "assigning default\n"; name = "John"; } else { cout << "Thank you, " << name << "for running this simple program!" << endl; }
string result;
string s1 = "hello "; string s2 = "world"; result = s1 + s2; // result now contains "hello world" The += operator can also be used. In that case, one string is appended to another one:
string result;
string s1 = "hello"; // without the extra space at the end string s2 = "world"; result = s1; result += ' '; // append a space at the end result += s2; You can also use two or more + operators to concatenate several (more than 2) strings. The example below shows how to create a string that contains the full name from first name and last name (e.g., firstname = "John", lastname = "Smith", fullname = "Smith, John").
string firstname, lastname, fullname;
cout << "First name: "; getline (cin, firstname); cout << "Last name: "; getline (cin, lastname); fullname = lastname + ", " + firstname; cout << "Fullname: " << fullname << endl; Now, let's review this example to have the full name in format "SMITH, John". Since we can only convert characters to upper case, and not strings, we have to handle the string one character at a time. To do that, we use the square brackets, as if we were dealing with an array of characters, or a vector of characters. For example, we could convert the first character of a string to upper case with the following code:
str[0] = toupper (str[0]);
Thus, we could use that method to control a loop that allows us to convert all the characters to upper case:
for (string::size_type i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
{ str[i] = toupper (str[i]); } Notice also the data type for the subscript, string::size_type; it is recommended that you always use this data type, provided by the string class, and adapted to the particular platform. All string facilities use this data type to represent positions and lengths when dealing with strings. The example of the full name is slightly different from the one shown above, since we only want to change the first portion, corresponding to the last name, and we don't want to change the string that holds the last name — only the portion of the full name corresponding to the last name. Thus, we could do the following:
fullname = lastname + ", " + firstname;
for (string::size_type i = 0; i < lastname.length(); i++) { fullname[i] = toupper (fullname[i]); } Search FacilitiesAnother useful tool when working with strings is the find method. This can be used to find the position of a character in a string, or the position of a substring. For example, we could find the position of the first space in a string as follows:
position = str.find (' ');
if (str.find (' ') != string::npos)
{ cout << "Contains at least one space!" << endl; } else { cout << "Does not contain any spaces!" << endl; } The find and rfind methods can also be used to find a substring; the following fragment of code can be used to determine if the word "the" is contained in a given string:
string text;
getline (cin, text); if (text.find ("the") != string::npos) { // ... there is an additional condition related to the optional starting position when using find or rfind; can you see it? The following fragment of code shows how to test if a string contains at least two spaces. It performs one search for a space, and then it does a second search, starting at the position where the first one was found (actually, one element after — can you see why?):
string text;
getline (cin, text); string::size_type position = text.find (' '); if (position != string::npos) { if (text.find (' ', position+1) != string::npos) { cout << "Contains at least two spaces!" << endl; } else { cout << "Contains less than two spaces!" << endl; } } else { cout << "Contains no spaces!" << endl; } There are several other string facilities that are related to find. Two of them are find_first_of, and find_first_not_of. Instead of finding the first occurrence of an exact string (as find does), find_first_of finds the first occurrence of any of the characters included in a specified string, and find_first_not_of finds the first occurrence of a character that is not any of the characters included in the specified string. An example of use is shown below:
string text;
getline (cin, text); if (text.find_first_of ("aeiouAEIOU") == string::npos) { cout << "The text entered does not contain vowels!" << endl; } find_first_not_of works in a similar way, except that it finds the first character that is not one of the characters specified in the string, as shown in the example shown below:
string card_number;
cout << "Enter Credit Card Number: "; getline (cin, card_number); if (card_number.find_first_not_of ("1234567890– ") != string::npos) { cout << "The card number entered contains invalid characters" << endl; } Guess what? We also have the methods find_last_of and find_last_not_of. I'm certain that you will easily figure out how they work, and with your vivid imaginations will come up with examples of use. |
Regular Expressions with the Boost Library
This is a much more flexible and powerful tool than the basic search facilities that I presented in the previous section. A pattern with several components (or several conditions) can be specified in a single operation, providing extra flexibility. A simple example of pattern matching is the following: suppose that a program asks the user to enter their fullname. The user could enter it in the form of first name followed by last name (e.g., "Carlos Moreno"), or in the form of last name, followed by comma, followed by first name (e.g., "Moreno, Carlos"). You want your program to determine which form the user entered the full name in, under the assumption that if there is no comma, then it is first name followed by last name. This is very simple to do with find, but I will use it for this example, since it illustrates quite nicely the use of regular expressions. Regular expressions imply pattern matching, so we express the problem in terms of a pattern for which we want to determine if the given string (the name that the user entered) matches it. The pattern in question is very simple: ".*, .*". In a regular expression, the character * means the preceding item any number of times (including possibly zero times). The preceding item in this case is a dot, which means any character. So, the pattern above is matched by any string that contains a sequence of any number of characters, followed by comma, followed by a space, followed by a sequence of any number of characters. In the case of my name, entered as "Moreno, Carlos", the string clearly matches the pattern. This simple pattern matching based on the regular expression ".*, .*" is not very good for this particular purpose. We notice that there are many other examples of strings that match the pattern, even though they are not really intended to pass the validation: ", xxx" — a sequence of zero characters, comma-space, a sequence of three x characters; ", " — a sequence of zero characters, comma-space, a sequence of zero characters; ",,,,, " — a sequence of four commas, comma-space, a sequence of three space characters; "Aa, Bb, Cc, " — this one matches in three possible ways (right?). The approach of a simple name.find (", ") != string::npos exhibits the same problem — all those strings pass the validation even though they're not supposed to. Making a sophisticated validation with the basic C++ string facilities would be quite tough. With regular expressions, however, it is as simple as coming up with a more precise regular expression describing more specifically the pattern that we want: [A–Z]+[a–z]*, [A–Z][a–z]*. The program below uses the Boost Library regular expression facilities to validate a full name with the regular expression given above. The color highlight indicates the lines that are directly related to the Boost Library regular expressions facilities.
#include using namespace std; #include int main () { boost::regex fullname_regex ("[A–Z]+[a–z]*, [A–Z][a–z]*"); string name; cout << "Enter you full name: " << flush; getline (cin, name); if (! regex_match (name, fullname_regex)) { cout << "Error: name not entered correctly" << endl; } return 0; } The validation itself is done with the function regex_match — this function receives two parameters: the string to validate, and the regular expression object. It returns a boolean that can be used directly as a condition — true if the given string matches the regular expression, false otherwise. When compiling this program, you have to instruct the compiler to link the Boost library together with the executable; this is due to the fact that we are using facilities that are not part of the C++ language, so the compiler needs to be specifically instructed on how to handle it. On a Unix/Linux system, many of which come with the Boost library included as part of the distribution, you would do something like this:
c++ –o regex_test regex_test.c++ –lboost_regex
SubstringsWe can extract one portion of a string with the method substr. This does not remove the portion from the original string; instead, it creates a new string that contains the specified portion of the original string. The required substring is specified by the starting position and the number of characters, taking into account that the position of the first character in the string is 0. The following example assigns the variable fragment with the sequence of 5 characters starting at position 6 of the variable text:
string text = "hello world, this is a test";
string fragment = text.substr (6, 5); // start at 6, take 5 characters If we omit the second parameter, then substr will return a substring starting at the specified position and taking all of the characters after that one. For example:
string text = "hello world";
string subs = text.substr (3); The first parameter must indicate a valid position within the string (similar to the case of the starting position for find, discussed earlier), or the behaviour is undefined. The second parameter, combined with the first one, can be such that the length of the string is exceeded. In such case, the returned substring will contain as many characters as possible (it will take all the characters from the specified starting position to the end of the string), as shown in the following fragment:
string text = "012345";
string fragment = text.substr (2,3); // ok fragment = text.substr (6,2); // Not ok (1) fragment = text.substr (3,10); // ok (2) (2) Returns all the available characters starting at 3. In this particular case, the statement has the same effect as fragment = text.substr (3,3). Erasing and Replacing SubstringsIn addition to extracting substrings, as we saw in the previous section, we can also modify a given string by manipulating a fragment of it; in particular, we can replace a given substring with another string, or erase the substring, causing the original string to “shrink”.The erase method receives two parameters, specifying a substring (that is, starting position and number of characters) to be removed from the string, as shown below:
string text = "This is a test";
text.erase (5,5); Instead of removing the substring, we could replace it with another string, as shown in the example below:
string text = "This is a test";
text.replace (5,2,"was"); Assembling Strings with String StreamsIn the previous sections, I presented some of the basic facilities, including operators to concatenate strings. These facilities can be used to “assemble” a string piece by piece. However, they do not allow you to combine pieces of different data types. You can only concatenate strings with other strings, or with characters.String streams provide an additional level of flexibility — they provide you with all the functionality of streams (e.g., cout) to assemble a string the same way you would “assemble” the output that you send to the console using cout. Their use is quite straightforward: just keep in mind what you do with cout, plus a couple minor details. The example below builds a string that contains the following:
Name: Lastname, Firstname. Birthdate: YYYY–MM–DD, Age: XX
// ... ostringstream person_info; person_info << "Name: " << lastname << ", " << firstname << ". "; person_info << "Birthdate: " << year << '–' << month << '–' << day << ", " << "Age: " << current_year – year; // At this point, person_info.str() provides the result. // You could do, for instance: cout << "Person info:\n" << person_info.str() << endl; The output produced by the above fragment of code would be something like:
Person info:
Name: Lastname, Firstname. Birthdate: YYYY–MM–DD, Age: XX In cases where we need to reuse an ostringstream, we can “reset” it (clear its internal contents) to start over by passing an empty string to the str method, as shown below:
// ... ostringstream out; out << ··· ; // Done --- do something with out.str() ... out.str(""); // Reset it out << ··· ; Parsing Strings with String StreamsAs much as we can “assemble” strings from several pieces using ostringstream, we can do the opposite process, breaking up a string into several pieces, using istringstream (the "o" stands for output — as in, we output some data to a string; the "i", naturally, stands for input — as in, we input information from a string).And not surprisingly, as much as ostringstream is used in a way similar to the way we use cout, we use istringstream in a way that is very similar to the way we use cin. The example below shows this by taking a string with a date in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD) and extracting the values of year, month, day into three integer variables:
// ... string iso_date; int year, month, day; char dash1, dash2; // Dummy variables to read delimiters cout << "Enter date (yyyy-mm-dd): " << flush; getline (cin, iso_date); istringstream (iso_date); // load value into string stream iso_date >> year >> dash1 >> month >> dash2 >> day; However, unlike with the case of ostringstream, it can still be useful to resort to the seemingly silly technique above; keep in mind that if the given input does not exactly match what we request, cin reports an error, but it can also jam and could make the code to handle it a bit more involved. A commonly used trick when dealing directly with console input is to read with getline into a string variable (such that it reads anything), and then use an istringstream object to parse the line into the required pieces; if we get an error, we know that we can continue to read through cin without any issues. |
Case Study: URL Encoding and DecodingIn this section, I will present a concrete application of the string manipulation facilities. The application uses both the C++ facilities, and the Boost Library regular expressions facilities.I will present and discuss two programs, one that creates a URL-encoded version of a set of named parameters, and one that receives a URL-encoded string and decodes it (i.e., breaks it into individual pieces). In both cases, I use a simplified version of the URL-encoding mechanism, to keep the example simple. URL-encoding is the mechanism used by web browsers to send form data to web servers for processing. The data consists of a set of values with given names. A simple example is an HTML login form, where we have two fields that could be named, for example, username and password. If, for instance, my username is carlos and my password is moreno, the browser would send the form data to the web server as the following URL-encoded string:
URL-Encoding Data Entered by the UserThe first program prompts the user for pairs of data, indicating name of the field and value. The process stops when the user enters an empty name. At that point, the program outputs the URL-encoded data.The basic structure of the program is a do-while loop, with stop condition given by an empty string read from the user. At each pass of the loop, the program reads the two pieces from the user and appends the corresponding item, in the form name=value, with proper encoding and separation with the character &. The program's structure for the URL-encoding is shown below:
string param_name, param_value, url_encoded;
do { getline (cin, param_name); if (param_name != "") { getline (cin, param_value); // ... } } while (param_name != ""); cout << "URL-encoded: " << url_encoded << endl;
for (string::size_type i = 0; i < text.length(); i++)
{ if (text[i] == ' ') { text[i] = '+'; } }
{ getline (cin, param_name); if (param_name != "") { getline (cin, param_value); for (string::size_type i = 0; i < param_name.length(); i++) { if (param_name[i] == ' ') { param_name[i] = '+'; } } for (string::size_type i = 0; i < param_value.length(); i++) { if (param_value[i] == ' ') { param_value = '+'; } } if (url_encoded != "") // Why this if? { url_encoded += '&'; } url_encoded += param_name; url_encoded += '='; url_encoded += param_value; } } while (param_name != ""); Why two for loops? Can you re-arrange the code such that there is only one for loop? (and still works correctly, naturally!) URL-Decoding Previously-encoded DataThe second program receives a string containing URL-encoded data and breaks it into pieces, displaying the pairs (parameter name and parameter value).The basic idea is that we loop through the string while we keep finding occurences of the character &, which means that we keep finding additional parameter pairs. We have to keep track of consecutive occurences of this character, as this will allow us to extract the appropriate portion of the string, containing the parameter pair in the form name=value. The following fragment shows the basic structure of the program:
string encoded;
cout << "Enter a URL-encoded string: " << flush; getline (cin, encoded); string::size_type pos_start = 0, pos_end; do { pos_end = encoded.find ('&', pos_start); string param; if (pos_end != string::npos) { param = encoded.substr (pos_start, pos_end − pos_start); pos_start = pos_end + 1; } else { param = encoded.substr (pos_start); } // Break param into individual pieces } while (pos_end != string::npos); We then break each parameter pair into individual components, name and value. To do this, we simply find the position of the equal sign, and then use it to determine the appropriate arguments for the two substrs, as shown below:
const string::size_type pos_eq = param.find ('=');
string name, value; if (pos_eq != string::npos) { name = param.substr (0, pos_eq); value = param.substr (pos_eq + 1); } else { // Error -- invalid parameter pair } Putting together all the pieces, we obtain the following program:
string encoded;
cout << "Enter a URL-encoded string: " << flush; getline (cin, encoded); string::size_type pos_start = 0, pos_end; do { pos_end = encoded.find ('&', pos_start); string param; if (pos_end != string::npos) { param = encoded.substr (pos_start, pos_end − pos_start); pos_start = pos_end + 1; } else { param = encoded.substr (pos_start); } for (string::size_type i = 0; i < param.length(); i++) { if (param[i] == '+') { param[i] = ' '; } } const string::size_type pos_eq = param.find ('='); if (pos_eq != string::npos) { const string name = param.substr (0, pos_eq); const string value = param.substr (pos_eq + 1); cout << name << " = " << value << endl; } else { cerr << "Invalid parameter found -- ignoring" << endl; } } while (pos_end != string::npos && pos_end != encoded.length() − 1); |
I am born with potential, I am born with goodness, I am born with ideas and dreams, I am born with greatness, I have wings, I have two wings, I am meant for creativity because I have wings, I will fly, I will fly, I will fly !!! -- DR. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
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Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Strings and String Manipulation in C++
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