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Thursday, May 17, 2012

GraphLab website

High-Level Synthesis and much more...
The GraphLab tool is dedicated to graph model applications. It has been developed for scientific purposes at the beginning. As my research field includes CAD tool and more precisely the High-Level Synthesis ones, I have developed HLS flows using the GraphLab framework.
At the moment the GraphLab tool implements multiple HLS flows handling various constraints and different optimization goals. A list of the HLS functionnalities is provided bellow.
What is GraphLab ?

The GraphLab is a flexible tool developed in Java 1.6 which provide graph facilities. These facilities have been developed and used to implement CAD design flows for embedded system design and more precisely hardware IP generation.
The GraphLab tool includes many design flows for High-Level Synthesis and many more functionality's. Its key features for hardware designers are:
  1. PuceHigh-level synthesis under latency constraint,
  2. PuceHigh-level synthesis under area constraint (tutorial),
  3. PuceHigh-level synthesis using non-uniform word-length (tutorial),
  4. PuceHigh-level synthesis for multimode design (mutually exlusive applications sharing resources in a single design),
  5. PuceHigh-level synthesis using redundancy techniques for high-reliabilty applications,
  6. PuceFull pipeline design generation for high throughtput applications,
  7. PuceFSM controller optimization for low area and low power design.
This list does not provide all the implemented functionnalities developed. For more information on their usage and examples, look at the tutorial section. The input langages supported are:
  1. PuceMatLab: using the built-in parser (not all the MatLab semantics are supported),
  2. PuceC/C++: using the C to XML parser developped with the CAIRN team,
  3. PuceOthers input langages may be adder using the open XML graph format used in the GraphLab tool.
Is there a released version of GraphLab ?

For the moment we do not release GraphLab versions. GraphLab is a tool which increases everyday its possibilities with new functionnalities. In these conditions we prefer to develiver snapshot version of the tool, it helps to be more reactive to correct bugs or things like that...
In order to download the current snapshot of the GraphLab tool, go to the download section and get the lastest one...

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